Average Velocity

Concept Explanation

Average Velocity

Average Velocity

Average velocity is defined as the ratio of total displacement of the object to the total time taken. It is expressed as: 

Average Velocity (v_{AB}) = frac{Total: displacement }{Total: time: taken}

The unit of Average velocity is meter per second(m/s). Displacement differ from distance in the fact that displacement depends on the magnitude as well as the direction.

For example :

Suppose, a car travel from point A to B and back to A . In this case no displacement occur or we can say that velocity is zero but distance travelled by the body is the sum of distance traveled from A to B and B to A, so speed will not be zero.


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

A body goes from A to B with  Velocity of 20m/s and comes back from B to A with a velocity of 30m/s. The average velocity of the body during the whole journey is

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

A vehicle travels along a straight path between two places A and B. It travels first half of the distance with a velocity of 72 km h^{-1} and the remainning distance with a velocity of 36 km h^{-1} . then the average velocity of the vehicle is _____________ m s^{-1} .

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

The SI unit for the average velocity is

Right Option : A
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